Travel Tubs Along With Tastemakers

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Moth Beans

Moth Beans

Matki sprouts abound in fiber and thus form an ideal choice for weight watchers, diabetes, heart disease etc.The process of sprouting increases the protein count of matki by 30%. This protein boost makes it a perfect addition to an athletic diet.
Matki sprouts boost blood circulation too as they are brimming with iron.Matki sprouts are also a good way to manage healthy cholesterol in the body.

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Moth Beans

Sprouted Moong

In Ayurveda, mung (moong) beans are considered the Queen of Pulses and a superfood because of these tiny mighty mung beans are chock full of micronutrients. Of the legume family, it is the lightest and easiest to digest, the least gas forming and has a Sattvic effect on the mind. a complete protein with all your essential amino

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Bitter Field Beans

Bitter Field Beans

Vaal is a storehouse of protein and fibre. The duo of these nutrients makes you feel full for longer, helping cut unnecessary food intake and weight gain. The fibre also aids digestion and maintains digestive health. Beans also appear to have a blood sugar normalizing effect, and may be of benefit to diabetics. The zinc in this dal acts as an antioxidant and helps to protect against cancer and fatigue. They also abound in vitamin B1 which has a role to play in nerve functioning. Upon sprouting, they vitamins and minerals increase manifold.

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Black Peas

Black Peas

One way of supplying the body with a high level of nutrition is by including sprouts in the daily diet."So, if evening is the time when you feel an intense craving to snack, we have the perfect snack for you CHANA SPROUTS

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Black Eyed Beans

Black Eyed Beans

Cowpeas/chawli are packed with essential nutrients which offer a wallop of health benefits such as support weight loss, promotes digestive health, regulate diabetes and optimise cardiac wellness. They are also versatile, flavourful and tasty that can be easily added into a spectrum of dishes as part of a wholesome diet.

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Mix Beans

Mix Beans

All of above beans combined together in one pack! Highly protein & fiber rich & comes up with delicious taste of all the sprouts.

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